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  • Acute Pain

    Acute pain happens quickly and could be severe but it lasts for a short time. It serves as a warning sign for a threat to the body or disease. It could be due to injury, illness, trauma, surgery and may last from few minutes to less than six months.

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  • Chronic Pain

    Chronic Pain can occur in any part of the body and may last for months or years. It affects daily life activities and might lead to anxiety and depression as well that makes your pain worse.

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  • Neuropathic pain

    Neuropathic pain might occur if your nervous system gets damaged and doesn’t work correctly. It feels like shooting stabbing and kind of burning sensation. You might feel very sensitive to touch or cold.

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  • Radicular Pain

    Radicular pain travels along spinal nerve root. It radiates from your back and hip to your leg through the spine. You might sense tingling, numbness and muscle weakness. This pain occurs when your spical nerve gets inflamed.

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  • Nociceptive pain.

    Nociceptive pain occurs due to tissue damage caused by trauma, surgery pr chemical burns. It might occur mostly in your leg, arm and back pain. It feels like throbbing and sharp aching. It occurs due to burns, fracture, cuts, bruises, joint damage, etc.

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    What is Pain?

    Pain can be explained as a uncomfortable sensations that is felt by the body. It could be sharp, or dull ache, or throbbing or burning. It is sometimes acute that develops suddenly and goes away in short time period or sometimes could be chronic that lasts for few months or years.

    Every person responds differently to the pain. Some have high tolerance while others have a low tolerance for pain. When something is wrong in the body it gives us hint about the cause. Some of the pains can be easily diagnosed and can be treated well at home as well, while other requires proper treatment.