Nociceptive Pain

Nociceptive pain occurs due to tissue damage caused by trauma, surgery pr chemical burns. It might occur mostly in your leg, arm and back pain. It feels like throbbing and sharp aching. It occurs due to burns, fracture, cuts, bruises, joint damage, etc.

Understanding the Nociceptive Pain & Exploring Its Mechanism & Diagnosis

Nociceptive Pain is usually acute and tends to go away when the affected body part heals. It occurs in response to discomfort caused by the damage to your tissue. It commonly affects your muscles, bones and joints. It is a pain that occurs when inflammation in your joint causes arthritis or when a kidney stone travels through bladder.

It is detected by nociceptors or the nerves present in the body that helps in detecting acute pain caused due to inflammation, swelling or abrasion. It is described as a achy, sharp, cramping and throbbing like pain. It ranges from mild to severe depending upon the injury. Sometimes coughing ad laughing could make it more painful.

Interesting Facts of Nociceptive Pain

  • Nociceptive Pain is the most common type of pain experienced by the humans and is associated with tissue damage or injury.
  • It is divided into two categories that are Somatic pain – originating from skin, muscles or bones, and other is Visceral Pain – originating from internal organs.
  • It can be acute or chronic and is characterized by sharp or throbbing sensation.

What Causes Nociceptive Pain?

  • Bruises,
  • Cuts,
  • Burns,
  • Fractures,
  • Crash Injury,
  • Pain due to muscle overuse,
  • Joint damage, etc.

Nociceptive Pain could also be caused due to internal problem like cancer or tumor.

How to Treat Nociceptive Pain?

Generally, in most of the cases, Nociceptive Pain is treated by providing temporary pain relievers. If you break your leg then first doctor will set your fractured bone and then he will provide you painkiller medication for initial shock. When the bone starts to get heal then pain will subside. You can perform physical therapy to strengthen your injured muscle or joints. Sometimes you might require surgeries to treat underlying conditions. Yoga, medication will help you can lot to control your pain. You can also go through medical procedures to block nerve receptions.

Frequently Asked Question

  • How Does Nociceptive Pain Originates?

    When a tissue gets damaged by physical or chemical agents like surgery, injury, trauma or chemical burns then Nociceptive Pain arises.

  • How is Nociceptive Pain Diagnosed?

    When you feel extreme sensitivity to touch, or insensitivity to heat or cold, and tingling like sensations then you are having nociceptive pain. You might also experience numbness, muscle weakness and sharp shooting, or stabbing pain in your body.

  • Can Nociceptive Pain Be Localized?

    If the Nociceptive pain originates from the skin then it could easily be localized but in case, it originates from deeper structures that includes muscles and viscera then it gets difficult to localize Nociceptive pain.

  • Which Part of the Body Has Most Nociceptive Sensitive Structure?

    Our body surface i.e. skin contains large numbers of free nerve endings that are known as nociceptors. This is the reason why our skin is so much sensitive towards the pain.

  • What is the Example of Nociceptive Pain?

    When you experience pain due to sports injury, or due to dental procedure or due to arthritis then it is referred to as Nociceptive Pain. It is a medical term that describes pain as potential damage occurred to the body.

  • What are the 3 Types of Nociceptive Pain?

    • Radicular Pain – when nerve roots are irritated
    • Somatic Pain – when pain receptors in your tissues gets activated, and is stimulated by the movement.
    • Visceral Pain – when internal organs are injured.